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For the most up to date publications, please see:





Jiang, L., Robin, J., Shing, N., Mazloum-Farzaghi, N., Ladyka-Wojcik, N., Balakumar, N., Anderson, N.D., Ryan, J.D., Barense, M.D., & Olsen, R.K. (2024). Impaired perceptual discrimination of complex objects in older adults at risk for dementia. Hippocampus.





Guardia, T., Mazloum-Farzaghi, N., Olsen, R. K., Tsvetanov, K. A., & Campbell, K. L. (2023). Associative memory is more strongly predicted by age-related differences in the prefrontal cortex than medial temporal lobes. Neuroimage: Reports, 3(2), 100168. 


Matorina, N., Tseng, J., Ladyka-Wojcik, N., Olsen, R. K., Mabbott, D. J., & Barense, M. (2023). Sleep differentially and profoundly impairs recall memory in a patient with fornix damage. PsyArXiv. 




Parimoo, S, Choi, A, Iafrate L, Grady C, Olsen RK. (2022). Are older adults susceptible to visual distraction when targets and distractors are spatially separated? Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, in press.


Gervais N, Gravelsins L, Brown A, Reuben R, Karkaby L, Baker-Sullivan E, Mendoza L, Lauzon C, Almey A, Foulkes W, Bernadini M, Jacobson M, Velsher L, Rajah MN, Olsen RK, Grady C, Einstein G. Olsen, Rosanna Kathleen, Ph.D. Page 3 of 16 updated 9/15/2022 (2022). Scene memory and hippocampal volume in middle-aged women with early hormone loss. Neurobiology of Aging, 117: 97-106.


Mazloum-Farzaghi, N., Shing, N., Mendoza, L., Barense, M. D., Ryan, J. D., & Olsen, R. K. (2022). The impact of aging and repetition on eye movements and recognition memory. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 1–27.


Snytte J, Fenerci C, Rajagopal S, Beaudoin C, Hooper K, Sheldon S, Olsen RK, and Rajah MN. (2022). Medial temporal lobe structure mediates age-related differences in context memory performance, and relates to whole-brain patterns of task-related functional activity. NeuroImage, 254: 119164.




Ladyka-Wojcik N, Olsen RK, Ryan JD, Barense MD (2021). Flexible use of spatial frames of reference for object-location memory in healthy aging. Brain Sciences. Brain Sciences, 11: 1542.

Tzovara A, Amarreh I, Borghesani V, Chakravarty M, DuPre E, Grefkes C, Haugg A, Jollans L, Lee H, Newman S, Olsen RK, Ratnanather J, Rippon G, Uddin L, Vega M, Veldsman M, White T, Badhwar A. (2021). Embracing diversity and inclusivity in an academic setting: Insights from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. NeuroImage, 229: 117742.

Wisse L, Chételat G, Daugherty A, de Flores R, La Joie R, Mueller S, Stark C, Wang L, Yushkevich P, Berron, D, Raz, N, Bakker, A, Olsen RK*, Carr V*. (2021). Hippocampal subfield volumetry from structural isotropic 1 mm 3 MRI scans: A note of caution. Human Brain Mapping. 42: 539-550. *equal contribution



Tzovara A, Amarreh I, Borghesani V, Chakravarty M, DuPre E, Grefkes C, Haugg A, Jollans L, Lee H, Newman S, Olsen RK, Ratnanather J, Rippon G, Uddin L, Vega M, Veldsman M, White T, Badhwar A. (2020). Embracing diversity and inclusivity in an academic setting: Insights from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, PsyArxiv.


Wisse L, Chételat G, Daugherty A, de Flores R, La Joie R, Mueller S, Stark C, Wang L, Yushkevich P, Berron D, Raz N, Bakker A, Olsen RK*, Carr V*. (2020). Hippocampal Subfield Volumetry from Structural isotropic 1 mm3 MRI Scans: A Note of Caution. Human Brain Mapping. 2020:1-12. *equal contribution


Geier KT, Buchsbaum B, Parimoo S, Olsen RK. (2020). The role of anterior and medial dorsal thalamus in associative memory encoding and retrieval. Neuropsychologia. 148: 107623. 


Snytte J, Elshiekh A, Subramaniapillai S, Manning L, Pasvanis S, Devenyi GA, Olsen RK, Rajah M.N. (2020). The ratio of posterior–anterior medial temporal lobe volumes predicts source memory performance in healthy young adults. Hippocampus. 30: 1209-1227.


Brunec IK, Robin J, Olsen RK, Moscovitch M, Barense MD. (2020). Integration and differentiation of hippocampal memory traces. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 118: 196-208.


Taylor CM, Pritschet L, Olsen RK, Layher E, Santander T, Grafton ST, Jacobs EG. (2020). Progesterone shapes medial temporal lobe volume across the human menstrual cycle. NeuroImage. 220: 117125.


St-Laurent M, Rosenbaum RS, Olsen RK, Buchsbaum BR. (2020). Representation of viewed and recalled film clips in patterns of brain activity in a person with developmental amnesia. Neuropsychologia. 142: 107436.


Olsen RK, Robin J. (2020) Zooming in and zooming out: The importance of precise anatomical characterization and broader network understanding of MRI data in human memory experiments. Current Opinions in Behavioral Sciences. 32: 57-64.


Robin J, Olsen RK. (2019). Scenes facilitate associative memory and integration. Learning and Memory. 26(7): 252-261.


Olsen RK, Carr VA, Daugherty AM, La Joie R, Amaral RSC, Amunts K, Augustinack JC, Bakker A, Bender AR,
Berron D, Boccardi M, Bocchetta M, Burggren A, Chakravarty MM, Chetalat G, de Flores R, DeKraker J,
Ding S-L, Geerlings M, Huang Y, Insausti R, Johnson E, Kanel P, Kedo O, Kennedy KM, Keresztes A, Lee
J, Lindenberger U, Mueller SG, Mulligan E, Ofen N, Palombo P, Pasquini L, Pluta JB, Raz N, Rodrigue KM,
Schlichting ML, Shing Y, Stark CEL, Steve TA, Suthana N, Wang L, Werkle-Bergner M, Yushkevich PA, Yu Q,
Wisse LEM. (2019). Progress update from the Hippocampal Subfields Group. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: DADM.


Yeung LK, Olsen RK, Hong B, Mihajlovic V, D'Angelo M, Kacollja A, Ryan JD, Barense MD. (2019). Object-in place memory predicted by Anterolateral Entorhinal Cortex and Parahippocampal Cortex Volume in Older Adults. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 31(5): 711-729.


Rondina R, Olsen RK, Li L, Meltzer JA, Ryan JD. (2019). Age-related changes to oscillatory dynamics during maintenance and retrieval in a relational memory task. PlosOne. 14(2): e0211851.


Robin J, Rai Y, Valli M, Olsen RK. (2019). Category specificity in the medial temporal lobe: a systematic review.  Hippocampus. 29(4): 313-339.




Liu ZX, Shen K, Olsen RK, Ryan JD. (2018). Age-related changes in the relationship between visual exploration and hippocampal activity. Neuropsychologia. 119: 81-91.


Palombo DJ, Bacopulos A, Amaral RSC, Olsen RK, Todd RM, Anderson AK, Levine B. (2018). Episodic autobiographical memory is associated with variation in the size of the hippocampal subregions. Hippocampus. 28(2): 69-75.


Wynn JS, Olsen RK, Binns MA, Buchsbaum BR, Ryan JD. (2018). Fixation reinstatement supports visuospatial memory in older adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 44(7): 1119-1127.



Olsen RK*, Yeung LK*, Noly-Gandon A, D'Angelo MC, Kacollja A, Smith VM, Ryan JD, Barense MD. (2017). Human anterolateral entorhinal cortex volumes are associated with cognitive decline in aging prior to clinical diagnosis. Neurobiology of Aging. 57: 195-205. *equal contribution


We had media attention with this paper — check it out at Science Daily and Science Newsline!  


Yeung LK, Olsen RK, Bild-Enkin HEP, D'Angelo MC, Kacollja A, McQuiggan DA, Keshabyan A, Ryan JD, Barense MD. (2017). Anterolateral Entorhinal Cortex Volume Predicted by Altered Intra-Item Configural Processing. Journal of Neuroscience. 37: 5527-5538


Wisse LEM, Daugherty AM, Olsen RK, Berron D, Carr VA, Stark CEL, Amaral RSC, Amunts K, Augustinack JC, Bender AR, Bernstein JD, Boccardi M, Bocchetta M, Burggren A, Chakravarty MM, Chupin M, Ekstrom A, de Flores R, Insausti R, Kanel P, Kedo O, Kennedy KM, Kerchner GA, LaRocque KF, Liu X, Maass A, Malykhin N, Mueller SG, Ofen N, Palombo DJ, Parekh MB, Pluta JB, Pruessner JC, Raz N, Rodrigue KM, Schoemaker D, Shafer AT, Steve TA, Suthana N, Wang L, Winterburn JL, Yassa MA, Yushkevich PA, la Joie R, for the Hippocampal Subfields Group (2017). A harmonized segmentation protocol for hippocampal and parahippocampal subregions: why do we need one and what are the key goals? Hippocampus. 27: 3-11.


Liu ZX, Shen K, Olsen RK, Ryan JD (2017) Visual sampling predicts hippocampal activity. Journal of Neuroscience. 37: 599-609.



Olsen RK, Sebanayagam V, Lee Y, Moscovitch M, Grady CL, Rosenbaum R, Ryan JD. (2016) The relationship between eye movements and subsequent recognition: Evidence from individual differences and amnesia. Cortex.


Rabin JS, Olsen RK, Gilboa A, Buchsbaum BR, Rosenbaum RS. (2016). Using fMRI to understand event construction in developmental amnesia. Neuropscyhologia. 90, 261-273. 



Rondina R, Olsen RK, McQuiggan D, Fatima Z, Li L, Oziel E, Meltzer J, Ryan JD. (2016). Age-related changes to oscillatory dynamics in hippocampal and neocortical networks. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 123, 15-30. 


We had media attention with this paper — check it out at Science Daily, IFL Science and Neuroscience Stuff!


Olsen RK, Lee Y, Kube J, Rosenbaum RS, Grady CL, Moscovitch, M, Ryan JD. (2015). The role of relational binding in item memory: evidence from face recognition in a case of developmental amnesia. The Journal of Neuroscience. 35: 5342-50.


Olsen RK*, Pangelinan, MM*, Bogulski C, Chakravarty MM, Luk G, Grady C, Bialystock E. (2015). The effect of lifelong bilingualism on regional grey and white matter volume. Brain Research. 1612: 128-139. * equal contribution


Yushkevich, PA, Amaral, RSC, Augustinack, JC, Bender, AR, Bernstein, JD, Boccardi, M, Bocchetta, M, Burggren, AC, Carr, VA, Chakravarty, MM, Chételat, G, Daugherty, AM, Davachi, L, Ding, S-L, Ekstrom, A, Geerlings, MI, Hassan, A, Huang, Y, Iglesias, JE, La Joie, R, Kerchner, GA, LaRocque, KF, Libby, LA, Malykhin, N, Mueller, SG, Olsen, RK, Palombo, DJ, Parekh, MB, Pluta, JB, Preston, AR, Pruessner, JC, Ranganath, C, Raz, N, Schlichting, ML, Schoemaker, D, Singh, S, Stark, CEL, Suthana, N, Tompary, A, Turowski, MM, Van Leemput, K, Wagner, AD, Wang, L, Winterburn, JL, Wisse, LEM, Yassa, MA, Zeineh, MM. for the Hippocampal Subfields Group (HSG). Quantitative comparison of 21 protocols for labeling hippocampal subfields and parahippocampal subregions in in vivo MRI: Towards a harmonized segmentation protocol (2015) NeuroImage.111: 526-41.



Rosenbaum S, Gao FQ, Hunjo K, Raybaud C, Olsen RK, Palombo DJ, Levine B, Black S. (2014) Congenital absence of the mammillary bodies: a novel finding in a well-studied case of development amnesia. Neuropsychologia. 65:82-7.


Olsen RK, Chiew M, Buchsbaum BR, Ryan JD. (2014). The relationship between delay period eye movements and visuospatial memory. Journal of Vision. 14: 8.



Olsen RK, Rondina R, Riggs L, Meltzer JA, Ryan JD. (2013) Hippocampal and neocortical oscillatory contributions to visuospatial binding and comparison. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 142: 1335-45.


Olsen RK, Palombo DJ, Rabin JS, Levine, B, Ryan JD, Rosenbaum, RS. (2013) Volumetric analysis of medial temporal lobe subregions in developmental amnesia using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging. Hippocampus. 23: 855–860.


Palombo DJ, Amaral, RC, Olsen RK, Müller DJ, Todd RM, Anderson AK, Levine B. (2013) KIBRA polymorphism is associated with individual differences in hippocampal subregions: Evidence from anatomical segmentation using high resolution MRI. Journal of Neuroscience. 33, 13088-13093.



Olsen RK, Moses SN, Riggs L, Ryan JD. (2012). The hippocampus supports multiple cognitive processes through relational binding and comparison. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 146, 1-13.


Rose NS, Olsen RK, Craik FIM, Rosenbaum RS. (2012). Working memory and amnesia: The role of stimulus novelty. Neuropsychologia. 50, 11-18.



Chen, J, Olsen, RK, Preston, AR, Glover, GH, Wagner, AD (2011). Associative retrieval processes in the human medial temporal lobe: Hippocampal retrieval success and CA1 mismatch detection. Learning and Memory, 18 (8), 523-528. Olsen, Rosanna Kathleen, Ph.D.



Olsen, RK, Nichols, EA, Chen, J, Hunt, JF, Glover, GH, Gabrieli, JDE, Wagner, AD (2009). Highresolution fMRI of human medial temporal lobe reveals performance-related sustained and anticipatory activity during delayed-match-to-sample. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 11880-11890.


Olsen, RK, Kippenhan, JS, Japee, S, Kohn, P, Mervis, CB, Saad, ZS, Morris, CA, Meyer-Lindenberg, A, Berman, KF (2009). Retinopically defined primary visual cortex in Williams syndrome. Brain, 132(Pt 3): 635- 644.



Buchsbaum BR, Olsen RK, Koch P, Berman KF. (2005) Human dorsal and ventral auditory streams subserve rehearsal-based and echoic processes during verbal working memory. Neuron, 48: 687-697.


Kippenhan JS, Olsen RK, Mervis CB, Morris CA, Kohn P, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Berman KF. (2005) Genetic contributions to human gyrification: sulcal morphometry in Williams syndrome. Journal of Neuroscience, 25: 7840-7846.


Meyer-Lindenberg AS, Olsen RK, Kohn PD, Brown T, Egan MF, Weinberger DR, Berman KF. (2005) Regionally specific disturbance of dorsolateral prefrontal-hippocampal functional connectivity in schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62: 379-386.


Buchsbaum BR, Olsen RK, Koch PF, Kohn P, Kippenhan JS, Berman KF. (2005) Reading, hearing, and the planum temporale. Neuroimage, 24: 444-454.



Gerton BK, Brown TT, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kohn P, Holt JL, Olsen RK, Berman KF. (2004) Shared and distinct neurophysiological components of the digits forward and backward tasks as revealed by functional neuroimaging. Neuropsychologia, 42: 1781-1787.


Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kohn P, Mervis CB, Kippenhan JS, Olsen RK, Morris CA, Berman KF. (2004) Neural basis of genetically determined visuospatial construction deficit in Williams syndrome. Neuron, 43: 623-631.


Eyler LT, Olsen RK, Jeste DV, Brown GG. (2004) Abnormal brain response of chronic schizophrenia patients despite normal performance during a visual vigilance task. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 130: 245-257.


Kindermann SS, Brown GG, Zorrilla LE, Olsen RK, Jeste DV. (2004) Spatial working memory among middle-aged and older patients with schizophrenia and volunteers using fMRI. Schizophrenia Research, 68: 203-216.

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